Welcome to a Fool's Dive into Interactive Fiction!

Apologies for this page being bare bones. I have zero experience in coding and am still learning, but I already wanna get some of my thoughts out there so please bear with me.

I am currently working on my first Interactive Fiction. Why? Because ADHD that's why. HAHA

That being said, I would like to document my journey into learning how to create this thing I wanna create so badly because I thought it might be a fun thing to look back on. I think I would just put dates with my thoughts and stuff, nothing fancy. I am so excited to go on this creative journey.

If you are curious what Into the Viper Pit is all about: ITVP is a queer political fantasy featuring an aromantic trans MC. Murder! Secrets! Deceit! Gay! I already finished the bare bones of the title screen, and I thought it might show the vibes better.

Check it out!

When Errin Delamere was nine, he accidentally disturbed a viper nest in the woods around their manor. He was lucky to have been found by the gardener and given an antivenom before it was too late.

He imagined this situation was something like that.

King Alto of the proud Kingdom of Aeralis sat in front of him on his regal throne like a deity judging his fate, cheek rested against his right knuckles, elbows on the arm rests, green eyes alight with restrained malice. Beside him, Sir Kaian the Deserter, the Captain of the Kingsguard and his enforcer in all the meanings of the word, stood straight with an impassive expression on his face. Errin immediately lowered his head after the quick peek, kneeling on the ground as low as he could go, knowing one wrong move could mean certain death.

"Your Majesty," he said in the most respectful tone he could muster.

He waited for the King to tell him to rise. He didn't. He let him stay in that humiliating pose, the nervous skittering of his heart like a drum inside his ears. As expected of the Tyrant King, he showed no mercy.

"Errin Delamere, third son of the House of Delamere," the King's voice rang in the cavernous throne room, a cruel smirk in the tone of his voice. "Welcome to your new home."

Somehow Errin managed to bow even lower. As he did so, he wondered what god he had provoked to lead him to this place.

Behold! The Ups and Downs of IF Development: